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2 hour flight

Feel like an eagle

Glide with the paraglider from thermal to thermal, mountain to mountain, climb up to the clouds again and again, utilise the forces of nature and thus fly distance.

We can cover 30 to 40 kilometres – feel like an eagle. This adventure is intended for passengers who already have experience with paragliding/thermal flying or who are starting to fly themselves. Our passengers should not be seasick, as we often turn around our own axis in the thermal tube to gain altitude. To master such a cross-country “performance” we need clear sunny weather and optimal wind conditions. To complete the flight, we can, of course, go all out again at the end and fly exciting acrobatics. To reduce the adrenaline rush after such a flight, our passengers are rewarded with a glass of sparkling wine on the landing field.

If the thermal conditions are optimal, it is also possible to fly over the Spronser lakes.

  • Time required: 3 hours +
  • Suitable flying area: Hirzer or Meran 2000
  • Required equipment: warm clothing (also in summer), sunglasses, good shoes, sun protection (at least SPF 30) for face and hands


  • 2 hours of pure flying time – endless flying
  • Acrobatics (on request)
  • Film and photo package with SD card/USB
  • Cable car ticket
  • Sparkling wine

350,00 €

In case of any questions or about your dates, please contact us.